Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Leetcode: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Extension, DP)

Leetcode link to original problems:
BS1: (O(n), O(1))
BS2: (O(n), O(1))
BS3: (O(n), O(n)) or (O(n), O(1))

Extension to buy and sell stock problem:

Q: Say you have an array of size n, for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i. Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at most k transactions.
Assume this array is named as prices[].

First step: Basic DP formula

Idea comes from lrd15's awesome post (link). Another idea that I found is this post (Chinese), which is quite hard to comprehend for me though.

We are now trying to handle a generalized problem that can be represented as finding profit[i][k], where the first index i represents day i, and second index k represent maximum number of transactions so far. As usual, for problems that aim to find maximum/minimum result, we break it to one subproblem that contains the current index, and one subproblem that does not contain the current index. This problem is no different.

Our problem:

For profit[i][k], we seek:
  1. Subproblem 1: No transaction ends at day i. =>           profit[i-1][k] = S1
  2. Subproblem 2: The last transaction ends at day i => S2
What we need to do is to find out which one is bigger? S1 or S2. Then profit[i][j] = S1>S2?S1:S2.
This S2 can be further decomposed to:

Suppose the last transaction starts at day j, then
S2 = maximum { profit[j][k] + (prices[i] - prices[j])}, where j is [0, i).
Now we can write the basic DP formula as:
profit[i][k] = max{ profit[i-1][k], maximum{profit[j][k] + (prices[i] - prices[j]) | j in [0,i)} }

A bottom-up implementation using (O(kn^2), O(kn)) time-space complexity.
int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices, int times = 2) {
 // corner cases
 if (prices.size() <= 1) return 0;

 // define profit[i][k] at i day, at most k transactions
 // the recursive equation is:
 // profit[i][k] = max(profit[i-1][k], ->last trans@today
 //       max(prices[i]-prices[j]+profit[j][k-1]) ->last trans@day j)
 //       here j is at range [0, i-1]
 // can also be rewritten as 
 // profit[i][k] = max(profit[i-1][k], 
 //                    prices[i]+max(profit[j][k-1]-prices[j]))
 int numOfDays = prices.size();
 int numOfTrans = times;

 int** profit = new int*[numOfDays];
 for (int i = 0; i < numOfDays; i++)
  profit[i] = new int[numOfTrans+1]();

 for (int i = 1; i < numOfDays; i++) {
  for (int k = 1; k <= numOfTrans; k++) {
   // find max(profit[j][k-1] - prices[j]) for j [0,i)
   int S = INT_MIN;
   for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
    int temp = profit[j][k - 1] - prices[j];
    if (temp>S) S = temp;
   int term1 = profit[i - 1][k];
   int term2 = prices[i] + S;
   profit[i][k] = term1 > term2 ? term1 : term2;
 return profit[numOfDays - 1][numOfTrans];

Playable version here. Leetcode TLE since this is basically n^2 complexity.

Second step: Optimization

Now this is the tricky part since it's all about math. Let's take a look at the DP formula again:
profit[i][k] = max{ profit[i-1][k], maximum{profit[j][k] + (prices[i] - prices[j]) | j in [0,i)} }

When we calculate maximum{profit[j][k] + (prices[i] - prices[j]) | j in [0,i)} part, we notice prices[i] term can be extracted, changing the original DP formula to:
profit[i][k] = max{ profit[i-1][k], prices[i] + max{profit[j][k-1] - prices[j]} }
and the term max{profit[j][k-1] - prices[j]} can be further DP since this is a running maximum value problem.

If we write:
S[m][k] = max{ profit[j][k-1] - prices[j] | j in [0, m)}
then based on running maximum:
S[m][k] = max{ profit[m-1][k-1] - prices[m-1], S[m-1][k]}
Now we can decompose the modified DP formula to a DP equation set:
S[i][k] = max{ profit[i-1][k-1] - prices[i-1], S[i-1][k] }
profit[i][k] = max{ profit[i-1][k], prices[i] + S[i][k] }

This is the end of time optimization.

Space optimization is easy to see. profit[i][k] only depends on the last row. So does S[i][k]. Thus using bottom-up space optimization rule, we come up with the following code: (O(kn), O(k))
int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices, int times=2) {
    // corner cases
    if (prices.size() <= 1) return 0;

    // define profit[i][k] at i day, at most k transactions
    // the recursive equation is:
    // profit[i][k] = max(profit[i-1][k], ->last trans@today
    //                      max(prices[i]-prices[j]+profit[j][k-1]) ->last trans@day j)
    //                      here j is at range [0, i-1]
    // can also be rewritten as 
    // profit[i][k] = max(profit[i-1][k], 
    //                    prices[i]+max(profit[j][k-1]-prices[j]))
    // if we write:
    // S[l][k] = max(profit[j][k-1]-prices[j]), (j in [0, l)), then its equation is
    // S[l][k] = max(profit[l-1][k-1]-prices[l-1], S[l-1][k]).
    // Rewrite line 18 equation as equation set:
    //     S[i][k] = max(profit[i-1][k-1]-prices[i-1], S[i-1][k])
    //     profit[i][k] = max(profit[i-1][k], prices[i] + S[i][k])
    int numOfDays = prices.size();
    int totalTransTime = times;
    // only need to construct one row
    // at day 0, no matter how many trans its all 0 profit.
    int* profit_i = new int[totalTransTime+1]();
    int* S = new int[totalTransTime+1]();
    for (int i = 0; i < totalTransTime + 1; i++)
        S[i] = INT_MIN;
    for (int i = 1; i < numOfDays; i++) {
        for (int k = totalTransTime; k > 0; k--) {
            int cand = profit_i[k - 1] - prices[i - 1];
            if (cand > S[k]) {
                S[k] = cand;
                S[k] = S[k];
            int term1 = profit_i[k];
            int term2 = prices[i] + S[k];

            profit_i[k] = term1 > term2 ? term1 : term2;
    return profit_i[totalTransTime];

Playable version here. Leetcode AC, 52ms.

Update (2014-11-19)
Why this works? Especially the decomposition part where I decompose a double maximization problem into a DP equation set? (Sidenote: Using more space to store intermediate value such that time can be saved).
The problem in this post contains subproblem max{profit[j][k-1] - prices[j]} that has nothing to do with i except in the range of j.
Can I apply this strategy to other DP problems such as "container with most water problem"?

The DP equation in the container problem is:
bestContainer[i] = max{ min(height[i], height[j]) * (j - i) | j in [0, i) }
This problem, on the contrary, does not have an intermediate result that I can store. I can not separate j from i because of the term min(height[i], height[j]).

So when to apply this space vs time strategy? I guess observation is the key. Identify the characteristic of the DP formula and see what you can find.

Update (2015-10-4)
Leetcode created a OJ for this general case. Link. One more pruning is needed to pass the large data set: If transaction time is larger or equal than day size / 2, to make sure no two transactions are overlapping, this problem degenerates to "Best time to buy and sell stock II", which means unlimited sale/buy can be performed. This can be done in O(n) time.

1 comment:

  1. Today is Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 22:31:02, after like 8 years, I think at least for all the stock buy/sell questions, I figured out a pretty generic formula, and a way to optimize some dynamic programming questions.

    I documented the method at

    It is basically a way to expand and analyze the state transfer equation. Especially by analyzing the similarity between two state transfer equations, and see if part of it can be extracted as its own independent state transfer equations. Usually the complexity can be reduced with this optimization.
